attributive adjective


An adjective in attributive position is “the good word”. An adjective in predicate position is “the word is good“.



An adjective in attributive position is articular (cf. predicate adjective).  Study chapter 9 in BBG.

ο αγαθος λογος
τον αγαθον λογον
ο λογος ο αγαθος
τον λογον τον αγαθον

(Optional: first and second attributive positions)
The adjective αγαθον is in the attributive position in all of the phrases above and should be translated “The good word…”. Grammarians also speak of first and second attributive positions (GGBB 306). The first and second entries above are called “first attributive” position where only the adjective is articular. The third and fourth entries above are called “second attributive” position because both the adjective and the noun are articular.

ἀγαθὸς λόγος – first attributive position

λόγος ἀγαθός – second attributive position



An attributive adjective must agree with whatever it is modifying in gender, number, and definiteness.  Study this document or this video.

A predicate adjective precedes the noun it modifies. It must agree with this noun in gender , number, but not definiteness.  video

A substantive adjective will be performing some noun function.  video


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