The Creation of the World by God

II. The Creation of the World by God

A. False Theories of Origins

1. Polytheism

a. Pagan Religions

b. Dualism

2. Pantheism and Panentheism

a. Pantheism in Hinduism

b. Pantheism in Popular Spirituality

c. Pantheism in Gnosticism

d. Panentheism

e. Pantheism/Panentheism in Theological Liberalism

f. Panentheism in Process Theology

3. Materialism

a. Epicureanism

b. Evolution

B. Theological Aspects of Genesis 1:1–2:3

1. Uniqueness

a. The Unique Beginning of Time

b. The Unique Agent of Creation

c. The Unique Honor Belonging to the Creator

2. Universality

a. The Spiritual Heaven

b. The Entire Visible Universe

c. Creation Ex Nihilo (introduced)

3. Trinity

a. The Spirit of God

b. Let Us Make Man

c. By the Word of the Lord

d. No Mere Instrument

e. Triune Worship

C. Creation and the Glory of God

1. The Power of the Creator

a. Creation by Fiat

b. Not by Necessity, but God’s Free Will

c. Immediate Effects

d. Supernatural Power apart from Means

e. Unlimited Power

f. Guarantee of Victory and Salvation

2. The Authority of the Creator

a. Owner by Right of Creation

b. Naming His Creation

c. Evaluating His Creation

d. God’s Needing Nothing from Us

e. Our Obligation to Obedience

f. The Authority of Christ’s Kingdom

g. God’s Right and Grace in Election

3. The Wisdom of the Creator

a. Wisdom Displayed in Creation

b. The Process of Six Days

c. The Diversity of Kinds

d. Mutual Interdependence

e. Preparing a Home for Man

f. Trusting God’s Wise Plan in Christ

4. The Goodness of the Creator

a. Goodness and Blessing

b. Sacred Stewardship

c. Delight in God’s Works

d. Fountain of Good, Supreme Good

e. Grieving Our Fallen World

f. Hoping in Our Maker’s Goodness

5. Conclusion: Knowing and Celebrating the Glory of God

D. Questions about the Doctrine of Creation

1. Is Genesis 1–2 Historical Narrative?

a. Historical Narrative versus Poetry

b. Genealogies

c. Christ

2. Did God Create ex Nihilo?


a. Genesis 1:1

b. God created everything.

c. Hebrews 11:3

d. Colossians 1:16

e. Romans 4:17

f. Biblical View of God

a. Historical Narrative

b. Genealogies

3. How Should We Interpret the Six Days of Creation?

a. Augustine: Instantaneous Creation, Allegorical Days, Young Days

b. The Gap View: Long Ages in Genesis 1:1–2

c. The Day-Age View: Six Days as a Sequence of Six Long Ages

d. The Framework View: Six Days as Structured Metaphor

e. The Calendar Day View: Six Literal Days in Chronological Sequence

4. Does Science Prove that the World Is Billions of Years Old?

a. Interpretations and Theories

b. Assumptions of Constants

c. Humility in Science and Theology

5. Is the Bible Compatible with Neo-Darwinian Evolution?

a. Rational and Empirical Problems with Evolution

b. Evolution and Biblical Truth

1) Creation in Six Days

2) Creation by Supernatural Divine Fiat

3) Creation of Each “After His Kind”

4) Order of Creation Days

5) Animal Suffering and Death before the Fall

6) Genesis 2:7

7) Genesis 2:21–23

6. Was the Flood Global or Local?

a. Total Destruction

b. Making Sense of the Text


c. Geological Disturbance

d. Authority of God’s Word

e. Ancient Flood Stories

f. Theological Message

g. Trustworthiness of God’s Covenants


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