Before you attempt to understand participles, be sure to understand how they work in English.
- Hebrew has both active (video) and passive participles (video). Here is a great overview.
- Hebrew participles, just like any adjective, can be used as attributive, predicate, or substantival adjectives.
Attributive use:
- will not be part of a noun sentence;
- will directly follow the noun it modifies;
- will match this noun in gender, number, and definiteness;
- video.
Predicate use:
- will be part of a noun sentence;
- will match this noun in gender and number but not definiteness;
- will be anarthrous;
- video.
Substantival use:
- Will be performing one of the noun functions;
- video.
Here are two more videos, one covering pronominal suffixes on participles and the other on irregular forms.